Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
I have read a few Jodi Picoult novels before, only to be crying my eyes out or being totally depressed. I thought I would give her another chance and I was not crying or depressed, I was held in suspense.
Leaving Time is about a young girl's quest to find out more about why her mom left her. Jenna wanted to know why her mom abandoned her when she was young. It is a riveting mystery full of suspense. After Jenna's mother disappears, her father ends up in a psychiatric hospital. Jenna's grandmother raises her, but never talks about her mom leaving. Jenna is driven to find out what really happened.
I enjoyed learning about elephants, which have a part in this novel. I was intrigued by the mystery behind her mom's disappearance, abandonment, leaving, whichever it would play out to be. This book is worth the time.